
Sunday, 8 December 2013

Supporting Your Digestion

Without proper digestion, you cannot absorb all of the wonderful nutrients from your food at an optimal level. So, without further ado, here are a few easy, practical things you can do to improve your digestion:

1. Drink a glass of warm lemon water every morning upon waking
This is something I do religiously every morning before eating, drinking, or doing my sun salutations. Simply squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a small glass of warm water and drink! The reasons behind doing this are as follows: the pH of your blood should always be slightly alkaline, and you certainly do not want it to drop into acidity! Lemon is incredibly alkalising to the blood and a great way to kickstart your digestion every day (lemon juice stimulates the production of stomach acid).

2. Detox water
Something I have really gotten into lately is preparing a jug of "detox water" every morning, stashing it in the fridge, and drinking it over the course of the day. All it is is mint and lemon or lime slices sitting in a jug of filtered water and left to infuse. The lemon of course is alkalising to your blood, and the mint not only adds a yummy flavour but also is a great digestive aid.

3. No water with meals
This may sound contrary to what you are often told to do, but there is a very good reason for doing this! Water has a pH of roughly 7 (depending on the source), which is considered neutral. The acid in your stomach is, as the name suggests, acidic. By combining water with your stomach acid during a meal, you dilute it, and in turn cause your food to be broken down less effectively. Try not to drink water 30 minutes either side of your meals for optimal digestion.

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